What qualities do attackers at different levels wish their setter had? (Worldwide survey)

This survey should just take a couple of minutes to fill in, and hopefully it will help us all gain insight over how players at different levels, and from different countries, think about the game, and setting specifically.


I’ve noticed that there are many different qualities that a beach volleyball setter can have, and also that the qualities that attackers prefer in their setter varies a lot. “Good setting” therefore doesn’t seem to be one dimensional, but depend a lot on the attackers preferences. Meanwhile, many players seem to think that “everybody else probably thinks about setting in the same way as I do”, which I believe is not true.

This survey comes from a personal curiosity of mine to dive deeper into this, and understand perspectives better (Yes, my goal is also to let you know what I learn from this!) I’d like to get some statistics on how people think around setting, and see if there are differences between levels of play, as well as countries (that might have different beach volleyball cultures.) Hopefully we can all gain insights from this survey that will helps us play and coach better.

The survey

This survey is for all players all around the world, the more players that fill it in, the better, so please also ask your friends, training partners, and local community to fill it in!

Choose the appropriate survey below, based on your level (as a player) at the peak of your career:

Beginner level player (Can not yet sustain long rallies of 2vs2 beach volleyball.)

Intermediate level player (Can sustain long rallies of 2vs2 beach volleyball, the vast majority of players will fall under this category.)

Advanced level player (Aggressive serving, precise setting, and aggressive/precise attacking is a common occurrence in your games.)

Pro level player (Your team was/is ranked at least top 5 in your country or top 100 in the world at the peak of your career.)

The results

Once I have enough results of the survey, I will present them through content on my channels (Youtube, Instagram, Podcast, Blogpost.) If you want to make sure that you won’t not miss the results, go here to make sure you follow the project in some way, or join the email-list in the box below.